Changes are coming, at American Airlines,

Apparently this layoff is to ‘improve’ customer service:

“Today, we announced updates to our contact center organization that will help us better serve our customers. As part of these updates, we are creating a new Customer Success team that will be dedicated to providing more convenient, elevated support to American Airlines customers with some of their most complex travel needs,”

This represents an 8.2% reduction of it’s 8,000 customer service positions.

the real question is…… is it the call centers that are the problem?  

has anyone really had a problem….with the call centers?  or is it mostly, the gum chewing, eye rolling IDGAF attitudes at the airports?

Some other spin from top American Airlines executives include :

“We are laser-focused on improving your customer experience,” Carolyne Truelove, American Airlines Vice President of Reservations and Service Recovery

but where is the hidden gem… ah… the hidden gem is : “lighter-touch” problems will then be outsourced to international contact centers, which operate 24/7.

YUUUP that’s as American as Apple pie……   buh bye American jobs at American Airlines we’re streamlining customer experience by shipping your jobs and your phone calls overseas.


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